(1) Yes, the law banning toy guns is ridiculously stupid and Stalinist.
(2) However, black parents have been told and convinced by all their usual "community leaders" that toy guns encourage violence in their neighborhoods and that having toy guns may cause their children to get shot by "racist" cops.
(3) In all this hysteria, a bunch of white guys from outside the neighborhood - who never do anything else in that neighborhood as a group - come in and start handing out toys that all the gullible neighborhood parents are told are dangerous and a menace.
(4) Result: stupid LPers are accused of participating in a racist conspiracy to get black kids killed, and support for the retarded new law is galvanized. Nice work guys. Next time why don't you buy up a few thousand vials of crack and offer free to the kids? That will do wonders to further your opposition to the WOD.
Yep, great job Libertarians! First in reelecting Tim Johnson and several Democrat governors. Now in exacerbating racial tensions in the ghetto.