Posted on 02/05/2003 6:52:33 AM PST by Mia T
A retired Air Force weapons engineer who worked on a number of the military's super-secret "black budget" programs is warning that New York Sen. Hillary Clinton's ascension last month to the Senate Armed Services Committee constitutes a national security risk.
"I am deeply concerned that Hillary Clinton serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee represents a clear and present danger to our national security," said the weapons officer...
"Considering all the sensitive information released by her husband's administration to North Korea and China, I have grave national security concerns about information that would be revealed to her and her staff regarding many of our most secret military capabilities," the Air Force whistleblower explained...
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If you wanna hang out...WE've gotta take him out, HUSSEIN!!!
If you wanna lay down...Baghdad's yer town, RATbrains!!
Soddom lies, he ain't Right, FReedomFight...Hussein!!
(ConservativeMusician rockin' it a tad...)
If you got RATviews, you needta sing MUD's blues...Be Sane!!
When yer fightin' THUGS, you need the Bigger Gun..."Prevail!!"
Willie lies, Slick's a SPY!! Let's INDICT...RATS' Shame!!
(ConservativeMusician workin' it like only a 20-year vet can...)
Pack yer things...yer gone, boy, you best just ride on, Hussein!!
Don't forget this fact, OUR Target's Yer Back, Hussein!!
Dubyuh's RIGHT...Soddom'sBlight...Right Shall Smite...Hussein!!
Clinton lied...Chi-Com SPY...Slick, WE'll Try...Clinton!!
(ConservativeMusician jammin' 'til fade)
If the Powell evidence made anything plain, it's this: The idea of "monitoring" a dictator is ludicrous. Saddam is quite happy to participate for another decade or two in an eternal ongoing U.N. field study of dictatorship MARK STEYN, JUST LIKE MONICA. |
For anyone capable of critical thinking, the absurdity of the task was self-evident. The Powell evidence was, in fact, superfluous. What the Powell evidence did make plain, however, is this:
It is obvious to anyone who bothers to remove his political blinders. It is so patently obvious that even those whose political blinders are a permanently fixed fashion statement -- that is to say, even Hollywood -- can see it. (Just ask Whoopie Goldberg...or Rosie O'Donnell...) Bush's poll numbers are a reflection of this self-evident truth. What is manifestly obvious and confirmed on a daily basis is the plain fact that Democrats are, by definition, constitutionally unfit to navigate the ship of state through these troubled, terrorist waters. Democrats were unfit pre-9/11, but few could see it then. It was 9/11 and its aftermath that made this truth crystal clear even to the most simpleminded among us. The unwashed masses, the uninformed, the disinformed can see it now. All America can see it now. Self-preservation is kicking in, trumping petty politics at every turn. And this is why Democrat demagoguery and stupidity and sedition are achieving new lows... We are witnessing the last gasp of a political relic. The Democrat party is not merely obsolete. As 9/11 and clinton-clinton-Daschle action and inaction have demonstrated, the Democrat party is very dangerous. We must now make sure that this fact, too, is obvious to all... |
![]() *Thanx to Cloud William for text and audio
LEFT-WING TALK RADIO 2: "It's the terrorism, stupid."
NOTE: Program in two parts. Hear clinton stupidity, smallness, banality, fecklessness, ineptitude, prevarication, corruption, perfidy and utter failure directly from the rapist, himself. clinton provides the perfect foil for Bush, who makes a cameo appearance or two. Pay special attention to Dan Rather's little story about terrorism hitting the U.S. "bigtime" during the clintons' tenure. In particular, connect the following dots: the '93 WTC bombing. a certain bin Laden protégé and clinton's admission that he passed up bin Laden. Note clinton's spurious argument for this monumental failure. To this day, clinton seems not to understand that bin Laden is -- and was in 1996 -- an enemy of the state, not a simple criminal. clinton still seems not to get it -- the same terrorist --the terrorist he refused to take--hit the same building in '93. Notwithstanding this, to hear clinton tell it, his disastrous decision not to take bin Laden when offered on a silver platter by Sudan, (arguably the worst decision ever made by a president), derived from his scrupulous avoidance of abusing power and trashing laws... Yeah, right. |
His Slickness's legacy is there already waiting for their permit....
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