I feel it was O'Reilly who behaved badly. Glick has every right to his opinion. Shame and humiliation on O'Reilly and all those who disrespect free speech.
You are just another liberal that doesn't get the fact that freedom of speech is a two-way street. Of course the little geek can say what he wants and everybody else has the free speech right to mock and deride him.
And of course you had to dredge up a two year old thread to show us just how stupid you are.
Your stay here will not be long...
Another Glick troll.
You can post to a thread from 2003 that is OLD information and likely superceded by a newer more recent thread.
In other words, you are a thread resurrecting troll.
Ah. Glick has every right to express his opinion. But apparently O'Reilly doesn't have the right to express his opinion about what Glick said.
Free speech for me, but not for thee. The liberal mantra personnified.
Well, troll, you're about to get a real First Amendment lesson about freedom of association. Adios.