Thanks for the email.
RadioShack has a long-standing policy of not intentionally buying advertising space on programs that might be political or socially controversial or that promote any one individual's agenda or point of view. While you may not agree, "The Rush Limbaugh Show" is one we deem to fall under this policy, as are the shows of people like Bill Maher, Dennis Miller and Dr. Laura Schlesinger.
Regardless of what has been reported, RadioShack did not make a decision to "pull" advertising from "The Rush Limbaugh Show" because we do not buy this show in the first place. Our media buying strategy does not include the purchase of specific radio shows that are against our policy.
We do, however, purchase specific blocks of time during a day within a national or regional buy. If a listener has heard a RadioShack commercial airing during "The Rush Limbaugh Show," it is simply an error made by the radio network or local affiliate who is given strict instructions about our policy and is supposed to block out our radio spots on shows that we deem against our policy. Unfortunately programming mistakes are made. When we learn of an error, as in this case, we ask the network or affiliate to make sure they are complying with our policy.
Simply put, our advertising isn't intended to offend or to exclude anyone from shopping at RadioShack. The friendly, helpful sales staff in our stores work hard to earn your trust: I assure you that the last thing we want is for our advertising to impede their efforts.
RadioShack Customer Care