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To: txradioguy
I saw/heard the Danson character's trashing Republicans. The writers are in danger of being indicted for grand larceny for stealing from every noble loner, humanitarian doc, cop, reporter,teacher, caregiver sitcom for the past twenty years. The characters are physically unattractive, I mean really repellent, and that includes Danson whose toupee and plastic surgery are almost as frightening as his vacant-eyed dumbness.

There is no dialogue recognizable as moving a plot forward, only prurient one-liners. There is slapstick with a woman in underwear or nightclothes climbing through Danson character's window after locking herself out of her apartment. This is repeated many times presumably to help
dense Republicans recognize sophisticated stage-craft when they see it.

This show is simply awful. There is even a "Happy Days in Slumville" diner where the characters meet and overhear phone conversations they misinterpret as sexual and then there is much sniggering, eyerolling, mugging, really embarrassing. Having a child become a paid assassin would be preferable to having him stumbling through this squalid and socially worthless mess.

The paste and scissors crew who slap this thing together (that they actually sit around writing it is simply beyond belief) probably have a dim comprehension that this crappola will not be watched by Repuplicans, even those who were formerly Democrats and so not highly evolved intellectually, so they can safely insult them.

Whew. Even the production values are dreary. Seedy chic. Ugh.
220 posted on 02/03/2003 4:00:42 PM PST by Barset
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To: Barset
Wow -- you make the show sound so bad -- Now I almost want to watch it -- (J/K)
221 posted on 02/03/2003 4:06:36 PM PST by twyn1 (God Bless America !)
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To: Barset
Why is Ted Danson not ripped by the left for smoking all the time in every show?
261 posted on 02/03/2003 4:52:01 PM PST by Brimack34
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