This is also an opportunity for the Bay Area FReeper Chapter to get to know each other. There won't be much time beforehand, since we're meeting only an hour before the mob arrive. But anyone interested in getting together afterwards is welcome to join the party at the Cathedral Hill Hotel at Van Ness & Geary. We went there last time and found the lobby restaurant devoid of peaceniks and therefore, very peaceful!
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To: American Preservative; deeel-me-in; Drango; jiggyboy; nastypumps; rogue yam; SeenTheLights Mom; ...
2/16 Counter-Protest Ping!
To: SeenTheLight
Maybe you or some of those on your ping list can help my kids and I come up with some slogans for peaceniks in our area. Any ideas? So far I've seen them holding signs saying, "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" "HONK FOR PEACE" We'd like to hold up some signs for them to read while we drive by. My kids thought it was pretty funny to see their mom hanging out the window yelling to those protesters. I think I'd rather hold a sign up instead.
Post your slogans ideas, please!
4 posted on
02/02/2003 12:21:31 PM PST by
To: SeenTheLight
STL, I will plan to come to the march, but I cannot come up to the City 2 days in a row (ie, Saturday meeting). I will also contact the Stanford College Republicans and invite them -- OK?
It's a good idea to come up with sign/slogan ideas (I already have a bunch) -- but as ALL of our FR Chapters will be doing counter-protests that weekend, it would be a good idea to have a single thread for all of them. Either a sidebar, or if we can, a 'headline' site (like "Freeper Foxhole"). Maybe called "Counter-Protest Resources", something like that. This is very important -- it's a rare opportunity to get 'our side' heard, so we want to be consistent and effective -- but I'm not sure how to go about getting the Admin/Sidebar Moderators to set up such a thing!
6 posted on
02/02/2003 12:57:41 PM PST by
To: SeenTheLight
Man, I would love to participate in this, but saddly I live in the Mountains of's a bit of a drive, but I will be in prayer for you all, and that it goes well, anyone know of any counter-protests scheduled for Washington DC?
9 posted on
02/02/2003 1:50:26 PM PST by
Blue Scourge
(Proud American...)
To: SeenTheLight
good luck!
To: SeenTheLight; *San FRancisco; GodBlessAmerica; Cool Guy; CounterCounterCulture; deeel-me-in; ...
Rally ping! Sunday, Feb. 16, 1 P.M. - City Hall steps, San Francisco! Tell your FRiends! : )
To: SeenTheLight
27 posted on
02/03/2003 11:03:02 PM PST by
Cool Guy
(In God We Trust.)
To: SeenTheLight
Solidarity bump!
30 posted on
02/03/2003 11:06:52 PM PST by
To: SeenTheLight
Be sure and call my show this coming weekend on KSFO and promote the Freep. When this comes down on the 16th be certain and call during the Freep. My show runs 1-4 PM Sats & Suns.
To: comwatch
Just wanted to get the word out to the Sacramento FReeper Chapter about the 2/16 counter-protest in San Francisco. Maybe some of you would like to join us?
To: Jim Robinson
Ping from the (still forming) Bay Area Freeper Chapter, about the 2/16 counter-protest. Want to join us?
To: SeenTheLight; farmfriend; Saundra Duffy
In January, 300 Sacramento Socialist
chartered buses to attend the SF hate fest.
I'll provide a pick-up truck with a rack suitable for a large sign plus
a mobile P.A. System and a second vehicle that can take four people
comfortably. Can we find six outspoken pro-Americans in Sacto to go?KFBK's Mark Williams has offered to promote such an event next
week if we can generate any interest. How about it Sacramento?
Post here or call me (916)448-1636
45 posted on
02/06/2003 11:08:00 AM PST by
To: SeenTheLight
Help deliver a strong message BEFORE 2-16
Support the Commander in ChiefClick Here to Send a Message to the opposition!
46 posted on
02/06/2003 11:30:31 AM PST by
To: SeenTheLight
Good for you! We're freeping the heck out of the peaceniks here in Fresno this weekend. Give 'em hell in SF! Let's roll! For victory & freedom!!!
To: SeenTheLight
Sorry, I'm going to be out of town that weekend. But I'll be with you in warmongering jingoistic spirit!
To: American Preservative; deeel-me-in; Drango; jiggyboy; nastypumps; rogue yam; SeenTheLights Mom; ...
Rally UpdateI just got an email back from Melanie Morgan at KSFO and she's going to mention our counter-protest on her show! I also emailed Brian Wilson, Barbara Simpson and Sean Hannity with the same request, just in case:)
The Stanford and Berkeley Republicans have been invited, as have the Sacramento and Fresno Chapters.
Thanks to all the FReepers who helped get the word out this is shaping up to be our biggest counter-protest yet!
Look out San Francisco peaceniks, the "Conservative Onslaught" (heard on Crossfire yesterday) is coming to town!
To: SeenTheLight; *Infinite FReep
To: SeenTheLight; rogue yam; Saundra Duffy
The peaceniks? Are you so gung-ho for war that you think war with Iraq is a good idea? Where is Iraq threatening us? An actual threat is coming from North Korea, not Iraq.
I just read that North Korea is going to deploy long-range missiles to Guam. If you're on the West Coast (as I am), this is a much more worrisome idea, than what Saddam is or is not doing in Iraq.
To: SeenTheLight
Good for you guys! It's important that those of us who support our president and our troops stand up and force the media to count us. I know that it's not typical behavior of conservatives to take it to the streets, but we have to. Otherwise the media will only show the communist-led-and-funded "anti-war" protesters, and give a false impression to viewers around the world.
Stay safe, and have some fun unmasking the communists and other leftists staging the "anti-war" protests. But watch out... they preach peace, but sometimes they don't practice it.
To: SeenTheLight
Are the Freeper chicks gonna remove their clothes and spell out "Nuke 'em" with their bodies?
71 posted on
02/08/2003 9:03:55 AM PST by
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