Where does THAT attitude come from? I agree with rdb-- "But one would think that Americans of all stripes would stand together on this issue." Where's the unity? This ain't about "It's happened to many groups, ethnic or otherwise, over the span of history", it's about preserving the state of the union. The kid couldn't get a job in his own durned American neighborhood because he didn't speak Spanish. What a load of bull. How would you like it if that happened to you? It's downright meanspirited to sit back and say "well you had it coming" just on account of the likes of the Rear-ends Jackson and Sharpton et al. This is everybody's problem, dudes and dudettes.
I have no problem with immigrants as long as they pay their taxes like the rest of all God's children. Okay, let me be excruciatingly explicit: I have no problem with Mexican immigrants per se. Illegals, deadbeats, criminals, welfare hustlers, and Persistent Non-Assimilaters (e.g., not bothering to learn English) is where I have a problem. We got enough of them already.
Anderson hasn't yet figured that out.
His "Vietnamese" example is disgusting. Vietnamese people have assimlated gratefully into American culture.
"Hispanic" illegals cannot and will not. Ever.
T-minus 41 days until the girth of Tha SYNDICATE, the philosophical heir to William Lloyd Garrison.
101 things that the Mozilla browser can do that Internet Explorer cannot.