Be prepared for some tough times ahead. Your niece is mistaken if she thinks aborting the baby will allow her to keep her boyfriend. His parents clearly want her out of his life. They are using the only leverage they have to free him (and them) of the financial responsibility of caring for the child. Shortly after she has the abortion she will never see him again.
After she kills the baby she says she wants, loses her boyfriend and realizes his (and his parents') true motives she is in for a world of hurt.
It is doubtful that you can convince her of the above since she is "in love", but try. More than likely you're going to have to be there to pick up the pieces when she fully realizes just what she's done. You have my prayers.
re: Your niece is mistaken if she thinks aborting the baby will allow her to keep her boyfriend. His parents clearly want her out of his life. They are using the only leverage they have to free him (and them) of the financial responsibility of caring for the child.)))
The only leverage skooz has with her neice is this fact. This is what skooz must use to convice her neice.