LOL, I'm a Texan!! There are plenty of New Zealanders on this thread, shaggyeel has given me a lot of information.
Some will say that Prebble has a lot of baggage from the 1980s economic reform days. He has. Let's try moving on now. It was his Party that consistently mentioned the economy, the positive side of immigration and New Zealand's obscene excesses in a state of the art $NZ13b per annum welfare escapade.
The present nanny state wipes our arses for us in exchange for us giving them the power to sneak legislation thru late at night from social engineers like Margaret Wilson and all the other grey nurses with "mother knows best" attitudes. This is sweeping stuff... the abolition of our rights of appeal thru the Privy Council, sly pay rises for MPs and trying to muzzle the media thru legislation. The stuff that made Albania what it is.
Thinking back, I guess the last real statesman New Zealand had in the hotseat was Keith Holyoake. New Zealanders have really sold themselves short on the calibre of individuals representing them. That says it all for the intelligence and expectations of voters. Voting involves common sense - much the same as shopping. You go for the best deal you can at the time. As long as TV carries rugby and lotto, the New Zealand public is generally happy. Under government ownership, TV channels rarely have any political commentary and public apathy is easily capitalised on by this government. As soon as thinking people start making it clear that they want and expect better representation and less of the vote buying politically correct dykes running our show, the sooner we can hope for better. Look at the Minister of Finance - a Phd in history. The good "doctor" should be able to call on his knowledge of how the Soviet Union could turn 37% of their male workforce into alcoholics and make women stand in line for bread - Socialism's main claim to fame in the USSR. He's hardly able to contain himself in Parliamentary broadcasts when someone who gives a view other than that of a socialist's. Spitting venom and rationing mock laughter will never pass for ability.
On the other hand, whilst Prebble won't ever collect an orator's award, his cleverly crafted questions have really deemed him worthy of being the de facto opposition while the National Party have been busy with their disintegration process.
For a bit of wholesome reading, hit this and do the sums on it.