Actually.....Secularism is a "belief" system or philosophy, which is exactly what religion is. If you don't use the Word of God to gauge morality... with what reference point do you gauge right or wrong? If you depend on our laws.....then that would refer you back to our Judeo-Christian heritage on which this nation was founded. BTW....those beliefs worked very well until the secular humanists felt we no longer needed the constraints of God in our society....or even patriotism for that matter. No loyalty to anything or anyone except SELF. Things started going downhill fast after that, IMHO.
As for God in our society, I don't really care about the references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance or saying prayers in school - - as long as I don't have to say them. It means nothing to me. As for patriotism, stop thinking that only the religious are entitled to call themselves patriots. We support and defend this country's principles and the rights that were handed down in the Constitution. We pay taxes, attend rallies, write letters to appropriate parties when members of the Left (and by the way, we are not members of the Left)try to convince everyone that America is evil or that she doesn't have the right to protect her interests. We are loyal to this country. Don't generalize so much. Just because we don't embrace all your beliefs doesn't mean we're any less American.