You should make a total retraction for your disgraceful remarks on your Friday show about the judge in the Scott Ritter case being on the payroll of George W. Bush and perhaps leaking those documents about Ritter's arrest.
From your show:
"I understand the Judge in this case, who sealed the file, actually worked for the President and has been working for Republicans for a very, very long time. Any sense somebody working at the courthouse actually passed this along to the press"?
"This judge sealed records. We don't know how they got to the press and I was just curious to read a bunch of information about he actually was hired to aid now President Bush, he went down to Florida and sort of protested during the 2000 elections. That was very, very activist..which actually the Judicial Ethics Committee has frowned upon and looked at some of this. AND I just certainly hope that a sitting town Judge isn't violating someone's rights by passing off sealed records to the media".
Ms. Crier, that, in fact, is a bold faced lie; I have no idea where you got your information, and if you don't know by now that you have THE WRONG JUDGE, you need better researchers.
I have always been a fan of yours, but your shocking discussion of this matter has made me question your objectivity in other situations. In my opinion, you insinuated that the details of this incident were leaked to silence an opponent of President George W. Bush.
In light of the fact that YOU, the host of the show, did not have your facts straight and therefore totally misrepresented what may or may not have happened in this situation, I would think that you owe your viewers an explanation AND TOTAL RETRACTION concering the judge on your Monday show; it's your duty to correct the record before your absolute distortions of the truth are repeated as fact over and over and become the "facts" of this matter.
I have, by carbon copy, alerted Accuracy in Media of this matter.
Raleigh, NC
Too bad you weren't on hand to swiftly transcribe it. (There's more).
The fact that you added "I have alerted the media", should get her go girl!
I also wonder if this is why Newsday jumped on the story at first...becaus SOMEONE was thinking they could tie Bush into this...only whoever wrote the talking points was TOO STUPID to realize this was not the judge from Floroida! HA!
Are you thinking Spargo?
I have real doubts that the one to seal it (Crummey) would be the one to leak it.
Perhaps Crier has two separate actions mixed up.
Since Spargo's the State Supreme Ct. Justice, would he not have access to the records? He was the one criticized for being in the "Brooks Brothers" (righteous) protest.
Is that what she said???
WOW!!! .. that is one hell of an accusation to make with NO FACTS to back it up.