If by this you mean that all of mankind is in competition with itself, with the object of each man (or nation) being to conquer and dominate their fellow men (or states)...
If, on the other hand, you're indulging in some sort of 'karmic' wishful thinking you're on much shakier ground.
Between individuals it is sometimes true that 'What comes around goes around'. But this has everything to do with 'payback' by flesh and blood agents, not mystical forces.
All things being equal, here's how it works...
The strong take from the weak.
And then the clever take from the strong.
Advantage isn't traded back and forth between equals. It nearly always flows from one point to another, like an endlessly long river, in the direction dictated by the rules above.
Now, it's tempting to engage in a little sophistry here, and make the claim that, indeed, the homo is a 'clever' breed of man, and therefor well positioned to dominate.
But the statistics which can be used to support the 'clever homo' thesis are easily interpreted in alternate ways, and -at the end of the day- the homo always finds himself back in his hole, licking his wounds.
The queer desires to dominate, he maneuvers to dominate, but he has always failed to accomplish domination, in the strategic sense.
Historically in fact, homos have often been hard-pressed to remain alive, much less be 'in charge'.
If the damn moslems want their homos dead it would be foolish to interfere in that process.
My best guess is that, in the average moslem turd-bucket 'country', something approaching half of the males have engaged in some sort of deviant sex, at some point.
An industrious queer-purging by them reduces the number of butt-in-the-air-allah-thralls that we have to deal with ourselves.
And, as Martha Stewart would say, That's a Good Thing!