"The problem, close observers of domestic terrorist groups say, is that providing such support has become an accepted practice on Capitol Hill, where critics are silent and almost everyone would like to sweep the issue under the rug. One of the reasons for the silence, congressional sources admit, is that either the lawmakers or the cop-killers and terrorists for whom they advocate are members of ethnic minorities -- and Democrats and Republicans alike are afraid to raise the issue for fear of being called racist."
1 posted on
01/22/2003 4:18:24 AM PST by
To: All
2 posted on
01/22/2003 4:21:46 AM PST by
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To: Happy2BMe
With allies lurking in ultra-sensative positions such as the Congressional terrorism oversight committee, is it any wonder terrorism fears nothing and noone in the United States?
3 posted on
01/22/2003 4:23:29 AM PST by
To: Happy2BMe
To: kristinn; hellinahandcart; Poohbah; backhoe
Killer article, great research, must read!
"An Insight investigation finds that at least a dozen sitting members of the House and Senate have provided active support to terrorist organizations, armed clandestine groups that targeted and killed Americans, or regimes that sponsor terrorism. Some of the lawmakers have been at it for years -- even decades."
9 posted on
01/22/2003 11:29:17 AM PST by
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