Abhorrance of infanticide is what separated early Christians from the Romans and the Jews.
While abortion and infanticide has been permitted throughout history. Never before has it been at the grand scale that it is now, wherein abortion is commercialized and sold every day in America at the rate of 4400 a day. In biblical days, only a rich man could decide whether an abortion could take place. In today's world, sexual promiscuity is promoted in all aspects of American culture. With abortion available on demand, abortion is more common. We see declines in birthrates in countries that have legal abortion, like Germany, France and England. The dynamics of America is a little different. Our newest children are born of immigrants. There are serious ramifications for such widespread promotion and use of abortion. As just Americans who feel compassion for the unborn, we must end this barbaric practice that strikes at the core of human existence. We know better than that, and when it's all over and I truly believe it will be, later generations will look back in disgust.