So Ritter is supposed to have hustled some young honey on the internet. First, we have issues of proof and then we have issues of interpretation, intent, and free speech.
Always remember the media and Willie's taped deposition! The media made up the story that Willie had lost his temper while giving his deposition. When the tape was published, all the media would talk about was the fact that Willie hadn't lost his temper but not a word about the impeacable offenses that were proven.
This story is only a "Gee, that's not SO bad" cover. There is something much more damaging to Ritter and some one in the media or the dem anti-American movement who knows about it. I've always thought Ritter took really big bribes and/or was banging one of Sadaam's gazelles.
...and besides, that's his personal life. What he does in his personal life is not our business and there really wasn't an underage child in danger to begin with, it was an adult posing as a child encouraging his out-of-character behavior. It was the vast right-wing conspiracy that did this to that America-loving, loyal patriot. You see what Linda Tripp started? That witch, now all the dang Republicans want to be the next Linda Tripp.
Jeeze-O-flip, the country's going down the tubes when you can't even trust a 16-year old on the internet!