Bingo! The "potluck peaceniks" are united by only one common denominator: Their loathing for President Bush. No matter the evidence of Saddam's evil intentions, it wouldn't be enough for them.
"..If the counsel of the peaceniks had been followed, Kuwait would today be the 19th province of Iraq (and based on his own recently produced evidence, Saddam Hussein would have acquired nuclear weapons). Moreover, Bosnia would be a trampled and cleansed province of Greater Serbia, Kosovo would have been emptied of most of its inhabitants, and the Taliban would still be in power in Afghan-istan."
Who but C. Hitchens would bother to tick off proof positive that these wrong-headed loathers don't deserve to be taken seriously?
C-Span's Washington Journal question of the day was, should history be considered before we go to war with Iraq? Obviously not, by the peaceniks. They can't, or won't learn from, or admit to, their mistaken past positions. How could they possibly apply WW2 and Cuban Missle Crisis lessons to the current decisions President Bush must make
"..the continuous involvement by the Iraqi secret police in the international underworld of terror and destabilization. I could write a separate essay on the evidence for this;.."
And I hope he will write this piece soon. C.Hitchens' interests, friendships, and personal knowledge about the Kurds should be a factor in public debate.
.."The Iraqi and Kurdish peoples are now, by every measure we have or know, determined to be rid of him."
He knows whereof he speaks.
"..Should I patronize the potluckistas, and ask them to look up the pictures of poisoned birds and marine animals from that year?"
Go ahead, C... Patronize away!
These peaceniks would toss overboard all their sacred cows in order to make President Bush walk the impeachment plank. Yesterday, pro-choicer Jesse Jackson said we must not go to war with Iraq, in order to preserve the peace for unborn generations. Huh?
One of the young women whined that student scholarship money was being spent on war toys for George W. Bush.
But astounding to me, are the lies of the left, the lies they must espouse in order to justify their zany logic. According to C-Span's female guest yesterday, an anti-war organizer, America bombed, killed, and destroyed innocent people in Afghanistan, and has never made retribution, never fed, clothed, or provided medical facilities for these victims of our aggression. She said many other countries spend more on foreign aid than America, that America spends it's money on bombs and weapons of mass destruction.
Lies, damnable lies. But C-Span airs them, boasts even, they aren't censored, and offering no challenge to truth.
But one honest and courageous voice can always be found. Thank you Mr. Hitchens.
President Bush is only a convienient symbol for what they really hate, the United States of America. Not the government so much as the country itself, its spirit, its freedoms and its strength.