Hitch makes sense, but he's wasting his brilliance on these "peaceniks". They are not in favor of human rights, they are not worried about the people of Iraq or Afghanistan or any other country under a totalitarian dictator, they are merely foolish pawns of those dictators. These people are anarchists with no conscience, no moral stands, no value.
There's some interesting info on the protests' organizer, ANSWER, at this
blog, under the postings for 1/18/03. It's the same old tired Marxist "workers" crap. One of the "activists" speaks:
"But I know I speak for the newer comrades when I say: I'm excited to start. I'm excited to strengthen my ability to talk about socialism, to get the paper out to the workers in my union, to build the branch meetings, to pass out palm cards with the www.workers.org Web site on them. And I'm really excited about having regular Marxism classes and doing introductory classes for students and workers, to show them that Marxism is not some field for academic study--it's a living struggle!"