You're right, of course, BeAll.
In the first place, rank and file lefties (most of them) hunger for absolutes, especially moral absolutes. Most of them are followers, just sitting ducks for a murderous/suicidal koolade number. You can tell them by they way they parrot the party-lines so automatically. They can't think for themselves, and they hunger for somebody--anybody--to tell them what to do.
In the second place, lefty leaders tend to be sociopathic control-freaks, who herd the koolade-fools and tell them what to think.
All in all, the taliban is made to order for them all.
Lefties will love Islam, especially the taliban. As it is now, the rhetoric is the only difference between "Liberalism" and Islam. They're gonna love it.
It's the left that has long promulgated the notion of there being no moral absolutes.