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To: Petronski
grasswire (2183 posts)
Jan-17-03, 10:25 PM (ET)
1. that was DFU's post, by the way
those were his words.
He's a known crackpot. Obsessed with the Clintons' sex lives.

71 posted on 01/17/2003 7:37:56 PM PST by kcvl
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To: doug from upland
See post #71. ROFLOL!
72 posted on 01/17/2003 7:39:10 PM PST by kcvl
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To: kcvl
It's like some kind of desperate 'Spy vs. Spy,' isn't it?
75 posted on 01/17/2003 7:44:26 PM PST by Petronski (I'm not always cranky.)
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To: kcvl
You mean they don't like me over there?

Regarding being obsessed with Clinton's sex life, that is really a very small part of the story. Although these all relate to sex, here is what concerns me:

1. A Rhodes Scholar is removed from Oxford and England because he raped Eileen Wellstone, whom he had met in a pub.

2. Juanita Broaddrick was brutally bitten and raped by the then attorney general, and he got away with it.

3. A woman whose husband was shooting himself in the Virginia woods because his life was falling apart and he was facing jail, came to the White House to plead for a job. Instead, the scumbag pinned Kathleen Willey against the wall, fondled her, kissed her, and put her hand on his aroused little bender. Willey was also the victim of having her cat killed and her tires slashed. One week before she was to testify in the Paula Jones case, a jogger named her children and asked her why she doesn't get it.

4. I know Paula Jones. I interviewed her and tried to help her and Steve find a rental house. She was totally apolitical, and I don't think she had even voted before. What she described, Clinton did to her. Why is that important? Using the power of his office, during business hours and at his place of business for the day, a governor drops his pants on an employee, asks for a sex act, and then plays with himself in front of her when she refuses. He warns her that he knows her boss.

5. Clinton committed perjury and suborned perjury in an effort to not allow a citizen to have her day in court in a federal lawsuit.

6. A young troubled woman, just a few years older than his daughter, was taken advantage of in our White House during business hours. A powerful boss having sex in a federal workplace during working hours with a subordinate is something that the NOW gang should have pursued until the cows came home, but they didn't. And then, this "stalker" as she was called by the Clinton thugs, was given TOP SECRET clearance at the Pentagon.

7. A black woman named Charlotte Perry sued Clinton and the state because she was entitled to a promotion in her state job based on merit. Instead, a lounge singer named Gennifer Flowers was given that job. Giving government jobs for sex is a crime. Beth Coulson was appointed an appellate judged and Jo Jenkins got a position at Arkansas Power and Light after affairs with Clinton.

8. Using troopers and cars on regular and overtime pay to solicit women and drive the governor for liaisons with women is theft of state property.

9. Sally Perdue having her window shot out and rounds left on her seat in a warning to not talk to the press is a little bit of a problem.

10. Bruce Lindsey soliciting false affidavits on behalf of Clinton is illegal.

Yes, the above have something to do with sex. But my obsession is actually with the criminal behavior. The RATS do not want to see that part of it. They live in denial.

82 posted on 01/17/2003 8:04:01 PM PST by doug from upland (May the Clintons live their remaining days in orange jumpsuits)
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To: kcvl
Hey, that's Mr. DFU to those pukes.
90 posted on 01/17/2003 8:27:25 PM PST by doug from upland (May the Clintons live their remaining days in orange jumpsuits)
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