ROFLMAO - As you pointed out, Frederick Douglass said:
"We would tell him that General Jackson in a slave state fought side by side with Negroes at New Orleans, and like a true man, despising meanness, he bore testimony to their bravery at the close of the war." - Frederick Douglass
That statement is absolutely TRUE. Jackson in a slave state DID fight side by side with negroes at New Orleans, and he DID praise their bravery:
"I was not ignorant that you possessed qualities most formidable to an invading enemy. The President of the United States shall hear how praise worthy was your conduct in the hour of danger." - Andrew Jackson to his black troops
Jackson did keep his promises of $124 and 160 acres of land to both White and Black soldiers. Every single word Douglass said in the quote you gave was TRUE. Once again, you can only fall back on your own desperate desire and attempts to confuse the issues in order to maintain your position. You must also think it a lie that loyal blacks participated in the American Revolution, when they "obviously" could have run off and joined the British to gain their freedom.
So far as it went.
It's pretty well known that Jackson betrayed the trust of the blacks who fought with him at New Orleans. It's a big blight on his memory, actually. I'm not surprised that you didn't know of it, as you don't seem to have either a broad or deep font of knowledge about the war or its causes, or American history in general.