José Gonzalez marries María Gomez. Sounds simple enough. But María now becomes María Gomez de Gonzalez, so for any official purpose she can be María Gomez, María de Gonzalez, or María Gonzalez, or María Gomez-Gonzalez. or María Gonzalez-Gomez. Even better, for purposes of registering as a Democrat, or collecting benefits, she can be all of those people and have ID to match. Absolutely no problema for María. Muy grande problema for anybody trying to figure out who anybody actually is, or is not.
José Gonzalez himself is actually José Gonzalez y Rodriguez (mother's maiden name), or The same number of variations as above. Their numerous offspring are Gonzalez y Gomez, or not.
When this interesting Hispanic name-game first came to light in NYC's Welfare Department, they had clients receiving benefits under many names ... many many names.
Ah Diversity, ya can't beat it!