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To: friendly
In 1985, then-Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas had made a visit to Hong Kong, arranged by Joseph Giroir, formerly managing partner in the Rose Law Firm of Little Rock and Hillary's boss. No one will say what deals were negotiated or what promises were made.

It started well before the White House years. 1985 was the set up for the treason which followed.

2 posted on 01/12/2003 8:14:59 AM PST by happygrl
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To: happygrl
Some background research on C. JOSEPH GIROIR JR. he is a key figure in many of the Clinton era money transfers:

ROSE LAW FIRM partner, board member of the WORTHEN BANK, and the man who hired HILLARY CLINTON. Set up the ARKANSAS INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION to do joint ventures with the LIPPO GROUP. Brokered dealings between LIPPO and Tyson Foods, Wal-Mart and Jim Tucker, Arkansas governor and cable TV franchise operator. Current plans include a $1 billion power plant in China. The backwoods Arkansas airport approved by the Clinton administration was to be used to ship Tyson chickens to Indonesia. Tyson is implicated as the source of the $100,000 "cattle futures" payment to Hillary.

In 1992, Riady pledged to donate $1 million to Clinton’s campaign -- a conversation the President doesn’t recall. The ultra-wealthy Riady family did indeed donate money amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a Democratic Party employee named John Huang who once worked for the Lippo Group (the Riady family business), came up with another $5 million or so. Note that it is illegal under U.S. law for foreign corporations to donate to U.S. campaigns. Those who believe this was a conspiracy point to a meeting held on September 13, 1995 and attended by several of the principles -- Clinton, Huang, Riady, White House aide Bruce Lindsey, and an Arkansas businessman named Joseph Giroir. The Wall Street Journal reported on this meeting and its aftermath in a series of brilliant investigative reports largely ignored by the mainstream media.

Soon after the meeting, names associated with Bill Clinton began cropping up in foreign business deals such as "AcrossAsia," a holding company of the Lippo Group. Mr. Giroir was profiting from this venture as was Jim Guy Tucker, the Whitewater-convicted ex-governor of Arkansas. Tucker was even hired by a company associated with the Lippo Group, and he invested in another venture controlled by AcrossAsia. Giroir was a former managing partner of the Rose Law Firm, and is the person thought to have pulled the strings to get Mr. Huang his job with the Democratic National Committee.

4 posted on 01/12/2003 8:27:02 AM PST by friendly
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To: happygrl
It started well before the White House years. 1985 was the set up for the treason which followed.

It started well before that. Remember when Bill Clinton, as a "Rhodes Scholar", visited the Soviet Union without benefit of money or passport visa? That's a classic recruitment method from a British breeding ground of traitors.

To put it quite bluntly, Bill Clinton has always been a Communist Agent...first, for the Soviet Union, later, for Communist China.

Traitor? Definately!

8 posted on 01/12/2003 8:34:45 AM PST by DakotaGator
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