I'm not frightened of a pitbull or any other aggressive dog running loose that might menacingly approach me or a member of my family on a public street. If I don't have a gun with me, maybe I'll pick up a large rock or two and pop it on the old bean. But if I have my handgun, *bang.*
It's really pretty simple.
Can't believe I let that go by unchallenged. I'm slipping in my old age!
Look, I was a kid, I got bit by a dog, and that was that.
Maybe it was different where you grew up, but in my neighborhood kids had fights, bloodied noses, fell out of trees and broke bones, and got bit by dogs.
The parents knew those were the risks of growing up and being a kid.
No one tried to blame others for their own kid's stupidity and nobody gave a psychobabbling thought about questions of whether we "deserved" it or not.