The won't work. It isn't the cops or the bureaucrats who will pay. It is the taxpayers. Get a $30,000,000 judgement, then don't take it out of the hides of the a$$hole thugs who did this - just stick it to the taxpayers.
Happened rat cheer in GA about 10 years ago. There was a big "drug raid" several days before election day with about 60 LEOs against a businessman who was running for county comissioner. Done on the information of "anonomyous informants" Just his incumbent opposition doing its thing with the full cooperation of the Gwinnett County police force. Well he lost the election and took the whole lot to court and got a huge judgement against them. Of course they appealed, but they lost that too. Not one penny came fom any of the law enforcement goons who carried out the raids. Every cent (about $30,000,000 as I remember) came from the taxpayers' pockets. The count spoksperson said that the money didn't come from tax revenues, but had been set aside earlier. This complete lie was unchallenged by the local liberal media, and most of my moronic fellow Georgians because they were too dishonest (in the case of the media) or too dumb (my fellowcitizens) to realize that a government has no income other than what it forcibly seizes from its citizens.