To: chance33_98; madfly; Poohbah; FITZ; Bill Davis FR; mhking; 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub; Houmatt; ...
2 posted on
01/08/2003 1:48:54 AM PST by
(The Fellowship of Conservatives)
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund Whatever became of just plain old 'American'? Once again, the left divides. There is no party as blatantly racist as the democrats - when will people ever wake up?
3 posted on
01/08/2003 1:55:04 AM PST by
(Military defends us from commies from without, our job is to defend it from within)
They should slap a tax on all Spanish speaking people ---if they can find any who actually pay taxes and let them pay for their own "special" programs like bi-lingual ed. They don't want to learn the language of this country but I'd bet they would scream if it was they themselves who had to pay the high cost of these programs.
5 posted on
01/08/2003 6:13:55 AM PST by
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