Frankly, I am sick of the starvation problems in Africa.I have read and heard of them my entire life.Throwing money and food at them will never "solve" the problems of third world countries.Was that not why the Black Africaans kicked out the "Europeans" in the 1980s?
Certainly, the "West" could end the misery and suffering of the people of Africa,but the people of Africa would have to change in order for this to be done.
They appear not to want to actually join the 21st century.It seems fairly obvious they just want the rest of the world to subsidise their continuation of tribal society, but with "free" food, clean water, electricity and medicine.
If the CIA or any agency killed Mugabe today, it would not truly matter.Another "leader" of the same ilk would simply take his place, and the whole process of hope denied would repeat itself.
Should the Imperialistic West conquer and colonise Africa again?Is that why you blame Blair/Bush for African starvation?Because they do not use military power to conquer Africa and force "free" food upon the starving masses?
So sick of hearing of the problems in Africa. Yeah. On a full belly, it's easy to dismiss, I guess.
Throwing money and food at them will never "solve" the problems of third world countries.Was that not why the Black Africaans kicked out the "Europeans" in the 1980s?
The 1980's. Yeah that was AGES ago. I'm Irish, now living under the Celtic Tiger. But in the 1970's Irish people were only learning sophistication, and many went with hunger in their bellies. So your point is?
As for Mugabwe's regime, people forget Rhodesia is a state that is self sufficient in Africa. A place that can fend for itself, and the people attempted to topple (by democratic means) Mugabwe but the bastard wouldn't let them vote. This is not like Irish people going up to vote, or Floridians spoiling a vote or what have you..these are people who walked to polling stations for two freakin' days. How DARE you challenge their belief in democracy, when most Americans won't get off their fat arses to drive their chevvy's down to a polling booth? I'm sorry. But you do not espouse conservatism to me.
Zimbabwe was not a country asking for free food or water or...
It was the breadbasket of Southern Africa, exporting food to surrounding countries.
Please avail yourself of the opportunity to be educated on FR links, and take your knee-jerk responses somewhere else.