There are some good women left, also. But the good women (like the good men) also happen to be the "boring" types who don't hang out in bars, go to church regularly , and probably don't look like centerfolds. I hope the "good men" left will eventually find some of these good women. The future of our country depends on this(not joking, either).
They were told to seek out men with home improvement supplies in their carts who were not wearing a wedding ring.
It was at that time, I realized that men now have the upper hand. It was a pathetic scene. I believe that if I had played along, I could have gotten that air conditioner paid for, for the price of a date.
Some of the good ones DO look like centerfolds, and they're STILL single.
For the men, being a "nice guy" often cancels out the advantages of height and good looks, and renders good moral character irrelevant as well. Women have the idea (sometimes right, often terribly wrong) that nice guys aren't strong, real men.
For a woman, her good looks may be her downfall: they elevate her perception of the type of man she thinks she can attract, so she'll hold out for more money, height, "coolness" (which is often inversely proportional to character), education, status, etc, than an average woman. But, alas, there aren't anywhere near enough tall, handsome multimillionaires to go around, compared to the vast number of women who think (rightly or wrongly) that they can attract one.
Fortunately, I met a woman who was smart, beautiful, AND realistic, and thus I at last escaped from the singleness trap. (Had to be from God.) But many of the women who rejected me, are still alone, and the guys they might have once been able to land, either married someone else or are now targeting a younger age bracket.