They should be left alone but they insist on pushing their agenda in schools, changing what marriage is, pressuring organizations like the Boy Scouts to change their beliefs, pushing their junk science (like the new 'sickness' of 'homophobia'). If someone wants to live that way fine, but don't expect everyone to believe their behavior is healthy and normal.
I agree with you 100%. Those that do the above things are affecting the rights of other individuals, affecting the rights of private organizations should be grounded. They are lunatics. But that is the extreme side of homosexuality, and there is another side that you don't know anything about because they go to work in suits, say nothing about their sexuality, and pay their taxes. They are good citizens. You may not find their behavior right or good, and to be honest I can't understand it either, but be fair and let's not group all homosexuals into the flagrantly obnoxious groups that we see on TV... Agreed?
Maybe you're angry because "they" say "Live and let live" but some are pushing an agenda that is harmful to others, like NMBLA, or that opens the door for harm to vulnerable boys, like the BSA issue, or that asks for special status in the law, like Public Health/CDC can track and find all carriers of communicable diseases except those which have HIV.
Or is your anger at root due to a belief that gays are sinners, and you find them personally offensive, no matter whether they have bought the "gay agenda" or not.
In what way is this issue worth jeopardizing your blood pressure and your health?
That's the way I feel about many women's groups and religious organizations -- always trying to push their agenda on others -- but I don't hate women or fundementalists Christians.