The only change I made to my S&W .38SPL after my visit with the teacher at the gunshop was to remove the rubber handgrip I had used for target practice and replace it with the original wooden grip, for easier withdrawl from my purse. Like the man said, will it matter in the least to me if my hand hurts a little bit after I've just had to shoot someone? The important thing is to be able to get the piece out in time, and the wooden grip is not only smaller, it's smooth. Since this is now my permanent carry I will always practice with the set-up as is, target shooting with the wooden grip.
You guys are forever talking about sigs and glocks, but I can't work the slides on those models. I like my revolver - though I confess that the ease of reloading a magazine is far superior to speed-loaders for my .38. It was fascinating to watch the gunshop owner demonstrate his expertise with speed-loaders. I need a lot more practice with those.
It's possible to load a semi by pushing the front of the slide on a table of something and open it up that way. When you're dry, the slide is locked back anyway. All you do to close would be to hit the slide stop.
I have to commend you for using and learning a revolver. I never gave myself a chance. A friend loves revolvers and he calls autos, Bottom Feeders.
You have mail.