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| Mia T
Posted on 12/30/2002 12:33:19 PM PST by Mia T
- by Mia T, 12-30-02
If mutability of meaning was necessary for the survival of the clintons--their survival hinged ultimately on the deconstruction of words and laws--it is more than a little ironic, and a manifestation of the special sway and shortsightedness of the pathologic ego, that clinton's monument to himself will necessarily define the clintons with the permanance of great inviolate places of iconic architecture.
While a huckster removes meaning from institutions --the wife picked up where the husband left off--an architect encodes meaning in buildings. James S. Polshek, the architect with the dubious distinction of having been commissioned to build the William J. Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, believes that a successful architectural solution must necessarily be rooted in relevance.
Just as Polshek's buildings have physical layers, so too do they have layers of meaning. His Rose Center for Earth and Space, for example, is informed formally and programmatically by the historic architecture of a designated landmark even as it redefines itself, (often too self-consciously, in my view), in Star-Trekian terms. Reduced to its essence, the building is the nascent universe before the Big Bang, the promise of the undifferentiated cell in its mother's womb,
The "bridge to the 21st century" was, perhaps, clinton's most delusional conceit, so it is not surprising that it would become clinton's self-referential metaphor of choice. His library was to be that bridge, if he had anything to say about it...
The architect is often the master of the inside joke, witness Robert Venturi's postmodern chairs. Venturi exploited--unabashedly and with abandon--the vocabulary of Las Vegas, its stage-set-as-reality and its roadside culture--bright, clashing, ugly and fake. The architect's inside joke is his hedge against the sycophancy that comes with patronage.
The flip side of the encoded meaning of the architect is the terrorist's decoding ot it. To bin Laden, the World Trade Center was Jewish capitalism encoded in urban space. If Polshek's vision of clinton's library is a bridge, the inside joke is that, at best, it is a bridge to nowhere.
More likely, it is a bridge to the 7th century...or a doublewide to house clinton double-speak. Take your choice.
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas
KEYWORDS: abuseofpower; clintonand911; clintoncorruption; clintonfailure; clintonineptitude; clintonlibrary; clintonliebrary; clintonmegalomania
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posted on
12/30/2002 12:33:19 PM PST
Mia T
Comment #2 Removed by Moderator
To: That Subliminal Kid
A fan of DJ Spooky, I presume?
posted on
12/30/2002 12:38:15 PM PST
To: That Subliminal Kid
So what's the subliminal message?
posted on
12/30/2002 12:39:00 PM PST
Mia T
To: Mia T
If I were an interior decorator, here's my dream "inside the library...
To: Mia T
Mia, you rule. We will be living with the deficiencies of the Klinton legacy for years to come. The unseriousness of his policies directly led to 3000 Americans losing their lives in a sneak by islamofascists and just gave North Korea the bomb.
Comment #7 Removed by Moderator
To: Mia T
Hey, where's my ping?
CHE (Clinton Hater Emeritus).
To: Lonesome in Massachussets
You beat me to the punch. ;)
posted on
12/30/2002 12:54:48 PM PST
Mia T
To: That Subliminal Kid
Adolph Hitler has been dead for 57 years, Josef Stalin has been dead for 49 years, so we should GET OVER IT?
The damage clinton has wrought is only now beginning to surface, Re: North Korea, Iraq, China. Until both the clintons are barking in the Seventh Circle, they should be in baggy Orange...
To: That Subliminal Kid
Clinoon has reacked havuc on this country and in my opinion we will never recover, his bitch wife is anxious to continue to destroy any values we have remaining, never forget, never ever forget, the rapist, liar, traitor, terrorist fan, phoney coward in chief, and first black president..
posted on
12/30/2002 12:56:22 PM PST
To: Mia T; 2sheep; Thinkin' Gal; babylonian; Sal
You forgot to ping me too, Mia T.
To: Mia T
I didn't want to be left out. Thanks.
To: Mia T

My take on the Clintoon LIEbrary
(Keep up the good work)
To: That Subliminal Kid; Mia T
Wake up! Heir Clinton will be our Dicatoress unless the "masses" awaken to her truly evil vileness. She is a mass murderer. She has employed weapons of mass destruction in order to achieve her goals. SHE has authorized the murder of her lover and her "husband's" childhood friend. SHE authorized the killing of children - several times - during her previous reign of terror. It is much much worse than MiaT brings forth - but thanks be to God her talents are applied to the truths that are the Clinton Curse on this nation. The curse continues. If you doubt it - look at the "poll" (likely done in San Francisco or in the office of Heir Clinton) that shows Hillary Clinton outranking Laura Bush as America's most admired woman! Who do you think made SURE that poll had such results? Who is running the Anti-America crusade from the halls of our United States Senate? Who would be DELIGHTED if another terrorist attack occurred just so President Bush could be blamed and voted out of office or removed even before 2004???? Who entertained and nourished terrorists the world over during her first reign of terror? Who made sure real terrorist dangers were ignored while all the US Federal bureacracy went to work AGAINST HER ENEMIES instead of against the enemies of this country?
Wake up, you sleeper! Or worse evils will come upon this nation at the hands of "The Evil".
MiaT - brilliant and on target - as usual.
To: eshu
Yes :)
To: That Subliminal Kid
Main Entry: sub·lim·i·nal
Pronunciation: (")s&-'bli-m&-n&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: sub- + Latin limin-, limen threshold
Date: 1886
1 : inadequate to produce a sensation or a perception
2 : existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness <
the subliminal mind
> <
subliminal advertising
- sub·lim·i·nal·ly adverb
To: Mia T
Whoa! Gettin' fancy with the shockwave now!
I would forget the Clintons if only they would let me!
To: jonascord
Comparing Bill Clip-on and his grotesque wife to Hitler and Stalin is a grave, egregious, offensive, and indefensible insult to everyone who suffered and died under their rule. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for trivializing some of histories greatest mass murders.
To: That Subliminal Kid
Impeccable manners you have there, kid. I do not want to see a day go by without some reference to the damage the Clintons have done and continue to do to our country, our morals, our safety, and our lives. To forget (or ignore) one's enemies only makes one more vunerable to them.
posted on
12/30/2002 1:05:49 PM PST
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