Russell Kirk observed that what really motivated the neo-cons was not conservative principles or limited government or any kind of American identity, but rather identification with the State of Israel. That about sums them up. Their "rightward" shift happened because the left was losing its earlier affection for Israel, and becoming anti-American (which, in the context of contemporary politics, meant anti-Israeli, too). In reality the neo-cons have never understood or had any kind of instinctual sympathy for the traditions or ideals of American conservativism. They were quite happy with the left and with big government, until their interests dictacted a move "rightward". On many important issues, they are still instinctive Marxists. They will chose the big government option every time; anything which gives them a chance to lobby and politic for more power for themselves and their allies.
Now, this I can use.. I can think of many examples here.
Multitudes in fact.
If Kirk wrote that, it is wrong. It is BS. I am a Barak kind of guy myself.