To: Torie
Thanks again.
You had to toss the "paleo's" in there didn't you! (LOL!) Oh my! I am missing in action on that one also.
At some point I would like to see a thread on this.. It's would be interesting to hear the self described "X-conservatives" define themselves and maybe dispute some of the other characteristics attributed to them.
31 posted on
12/29/2002 11:34:44 AM PST by
To: Jhoffa_
"X-conservatives" ?? Now you've got me.
What/who is an "X-conservative"?
I'm pretty much a Paleo. If your curious see (.com?) for a start. It's a whole lot different than the Weekly Standard or Empower America (neo-cons).
To: Jhoffa_
Read a few issues of Chronicles magazine to get an idea of paleo thought. National Review used to publish some of those writers years ago, but they've all either left or been purged in the Cultural Revolution over there.
Paleo thought can also be found in the writings of Russell Kirk, Richard Weaver, Mel Bradford, among others.
103 posted on
12/29/2002 10:36:13 PM PST by
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