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God is in the details for Powerball winner
Washington Times | 12/27/02 | Gavin McCormick, AP

Posted on 12/27/2002 12:16:35 AM PST by kattracks

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Andrew Jackson Whittaker Jr. thanks God that he picked the six numbers that won him the $314.9 million Christmas Day Powerball jackpot, and he's putting up the money to prove it.
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     "The very first thing I'm going to do is go home and make out three checks to three pastors," Mr. Whittaker said. Those checks, a tithe to the Church of God, will total $17 million.
     "Seventeen million in the state of West Virginia will really do good for the poor," he said, adding that the three pastors will control the money and perhaps establish a Christian school.
     The 55-year-old contractor, who won the largest single-winner lottery jackpot in history, opted to take a lump sum of $170 million before taxes, instead of 30 annual installments. The lump sum is worth more than $111 million after taxes, lottery spokeswoman Nancy Bulla said.
     "I just want to thank God for letting me pick the right numbers, or letting the machine pick the right numbers," said Mr. Whittaker, who claimed his winnings dressed in black and wearing a big, black cowboy hat.
     Mr. Whittaker lives in the small town of Scott Depot, about 20 miles west of Charleston, and is president of three construction companies that build sewage-treatment plants and other water projects.
     "I've had to work for everything in my life. This is the first thing that's ever been given to me," he said.
     Mr. Whittaker said he originally thought he had lost the jackpot because the numbers came up wrong on the televised drawing Christmas night. It wasn't until yesterday morning that he realized he won.
     His wife of 36 years said she plans to go to Israel.
     "I'd just go to go there. It's where Jesus walked," Jewell Whittaker said.
     The couple planned to travel to New York City last night.
     Mr. Whittaker said he would share the rest of his winnings with his family, and may expand his business. He has a daughter named Ginger and a 15-year-old granddaughter.
     Ginger McMahan said she had cancer twice and had not worked for about a year. "I was getting ready to go back to work, but I think I'm retired now," she said.
     Mr. Whittaker also said he wants to help "people who want to better themselves to have a better life."
     "I'm getting really excited because of the good works I can do with this money," he said.
     He said little about buying luxuries for himself — aside from a helicopter he said he had had his eye on for a while.
     "I have 25 people laid off right now at Christmas, and I want more work so I can put them back to work," he said. He now employs 117 persons.
     He told Miss Bulla he was not a regular lottery player but he bought $100 in tickets because the jackpot was so high. He plays when it reaches $100 million.
     The ticket was purchased at the C&L Super Serve in Hurricane, 25 miles west of Charleston.
     Mr. Whittaker went back to the store yesterday morning to fill up on gas and buy some biscuits, as he does each day. The clerk was the one who sold him the ticket. He told her he won, but "she said, 'No, you didn't, you're not excited enough to win the lottery.' And she just pushed me out the door," he said.
     "It's so just that the poorest state in America wins the biggest Powerball in history," said Bob O'Dell, a 51-year-old resident of the town that's pronounced herr' ah cun. (West Virginia's per-capita income actually was second-lowest to Mississippi's in 2000.)
     The Super Serve's owner, Larry Trogdon, will get $100,000 for selling the winning ticket.
     "I have a daughter getting married this summer," he told NBC.
     "I guess we're honeymooning in Hawaii," said his daughter, Amy, who manages the Super Serve and is getting married next summer to a clerk at the store.
     "Heck, if you're going to Hawaii, I'm coming with you," Mr. Trogdon answered, laughing.
     The jackpot was the largest ever for a single winning ticket, Miss Bulla said. It also was the third-largest jackpot in U.S. history.
     An unexpected Christmas Day run on Powerball tickets pushed the already whopping $280 million jackpot to $314.9 million just before numbers were drawn, making it the Powerball's largest prize ever.
     The winning numbers were 5-14-16-29-53 and the Powerball was 7.
     Mr. Whittaker had the option of taking a cash payout of $170 million before taxes or collecting the entire jackpot in 30 payments over 29 years. He took the lump sum and Gov. Bob Wise presented him with an initial check of $10 million.
     Powerball, the nation's largest lottery game, is sold in 23 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
     Before the Christmas 2002 prize, the largest Powerball jackpot was $295.7 million in July 1998.
     The biggest lottery jackpot in U.S. history was a Big Game prize of $363 million, won in May 2000 by ticketholders in Michigan and Illinois. The second was a $331 million Big Game jackpot split between three tickets in April.
     Spain's annual Christmas lottery known as El Gordo — "the Fat One" — is billed as the world's richest. This year's $1.7 billion jackpot spreads wealth among millions of people. About 10,000 numbers win some kind of prize, from $20 to $200,000.

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To: Revelation 911
Let's consider Acts chapter 2 for a moment. It's clear that first generation of believers centered in and around Jerusalem sold off massive amounts of property and laid the proceeds at the feet of the apostles. In fact, for a time at least, they held all things "in common".

Much of that money MUST have been amassed by "immoral" means; there were prostitutes, tax collectors, and (I'm sure) even thieves among them.

There is no indication the apostles had any trouble accepting it.

61 posted on 12/27/2002 8:33:54 AM PST by Taliesan
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To: go star go
Rev911:Am I demanding you dont flip coins or have a sip of wine now and then - no - but gambling is most definitely a vice - use extreme caution in letting sin get a foothold in your life -

gsg:Why don't you post that scripture for us Mr Bible Sinner Man...

Ephesians 4

Unity in the Body of Christ

1As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

2Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

4There is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to one hope when you were called--

5one Lord, one faith, one baptism;

6one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

7But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

8This is why it[1] says: "When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts to men."[2]

9(What does "he ascended" mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions[3] ?

10He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.)

11It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,

12to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up

13until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

14Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

15Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.

16From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Living as Children of Light

17So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.

18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.

19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.

20You, however, did not come to know Christ that way.

21Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus.

22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;

23to be made new in the attitude of your minds;

24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

25Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

26"In your anger do not sin"[4] : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

27and do not give the devil a foothold.

28He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.

29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

62 posted on 12/27/2002 8:38:50 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: go star go
Afraid to defend your position? Flag whoever you want

against your insults? - I think your tenor indicates you are clearly a contentious spirit - rather, that being the case, our conversation is complete.

One short question though - since Ep 4 says "24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

......does God gamble ?

63 posted on 12/27/2002 8:45:07 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Revelation 911
why is Las Vegas called sin city ? - for the prostitutes ? - puhleeze

Throw your stones when you yourself are sinless, otherwise, leave the judging to God, pal.

64 posted on 12/27/2002 10:26:35 AM PST by smith288
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To: smith288
Throw your stones when you yourself are sinless, otherwise, leave the judging to God, pal.

sooo... calling gambling a sin is "judgemental" and akin to "stone throwing" -

You havent answered the question.........Ep 4 says "24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

Does God gamble..........pal?

65 posted on 12/27/2002 10:47:16 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: carpio
$300,000,000 would buy a 4D ultrasound for every crisis pregnancy center in America. The purchases could be set up on a time payment system and the 30 year payout would cover it nicely ... and this man would still get to enjoy millions for goodwill hunting at Church and in charities.
66 posted on 12/27/2002 10:57:08 AM PST by MHGinTN
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To: Revelation 911
Does God gamble..........pal?

Nope. God is perfect and doesnt sin in any way. You and I, on the other hand, do sin. All Christians should try very hard not to sin yet we know we fall short of this goal.

This man has done nothing wrong. He doesnt have a history of being a compulsive gambler and only buys a ticket when it reaches over 100 million based on his belief it wouldnt be worth the money. THis man was blessed by God, in my opinion, given the money to benefit the poor and downtrodden in his home state. Have you even been to West Virginia with all the flooding and loss of homes and lives? God works in ways you cannot dream to understand and you have no place in telling anyone that based on your understandings the tithings are tainted and shouldnt be accepted.

Where do you work? Does the business have any immoral practice in making its money like flakey budgeting and misleading advertising? Wouldnt that considered tainted in your book?

I will pray for you in hopes you wont be so judgemental on your fellow man.

67 posted on 12/27/2002 11:09:22 AM PST by smith288
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To: smith288
Nope. God is perfect and doesnt sin in any way. You and I, on the other hand, do sin. All Christians should try very hard not to sin yet we know we fall short of this goal.

youre doing good here - and we are in complete agreement

This man has done nothing wrong.

This is where we disagree -

He doesnt have a history of being a compulsive gambler and only buys a ticket when it reaches over 100 million based on his belief it wouldnt be worth the money the occasional drunkard / crack smoker / gambler neednt be told thier non compulsion is detrimental to the fabric of thier soul due to the notion that the individual pointing it out to them is judgemental and because it is only practiced occasionally? - sorry, theyve still turned away from God in thier sin, and He will judge them for that.

68 posted on 12/27/2002 11:30:01 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: smith288
I will add that repentance must be sought for redemption to take place
69 posted on 12/27/2002 11:31:55 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Miss Marple
If you saw his press conference, you would know that he has been tithing all along.

What a terrible power to wield over people.

70 posted on 12/27/2002 11:44:58 AM PST by Old Professer
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To: RightOnline
You forget, my friend. That isn't his money. That tithe is God's money. It's really just that simple.

Wasn't it Einstein who said something like: God doesn't play dice with the world?"

71 posted on 12/27/2002 11:47:45 AM PST by Old Professer
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To: Revelation 911
sorry, theyve still turned away from God in thier sin, and He will judge them for that.

Sorry, you're wrong here, in my opinion.

God judges us all based on our acceptance in Christ Jesus. Not on a gambling habit or our dependence on cigarettes. All these sins are earthly and equal in Gods eyes. Our goal is to aim to please God with our efforts for a more Jesus like lifestyle. We are not condemned to hell for winning a lottery and giving 10% to church.

A Church shouldnt deny tithings if they are given from the heart which I believe this man has proven through his tithing history.

72 posted on 12/27/2002 11:50:41 AM PST by smith288
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To: Taliesan
Much of that money MUST have been amassed by "immoral" means; there were prostitutes, tax collectors, and (I'm sure) even thieves among them.

I havent had time to dig, is that your presumption or fact?

73 posted on 12/27/2002 11:58:38 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Revelation 911
If this "Church of God" is not the Armstrong cult is the original Church of God and is Wesleyan / it will be interesting how well the pastors keep their beliefs with shuch a large amount of money
74 posted on 12/27/2002 12:04:57 PM PST by RnMomof7
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To: Revelation 911 RC husband buys tickets all the if he ever wins I will have to ask God if it is OK to "share it" ..*grin*


75 posted on 12/27/2002 12:07:07 PM PST by RnMomof7
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To: smith288
Sorry, you're wrong here, in my opinion.

to which you are kindly entitled

God judges us all based on our acceptance in Christ Jesus. Not on a gambling habit or our dependence on cigarettes. All these sins are earthly and equal in Gods eyes. Our goal is to aim to please God with our efforts for a more Jesus like lifestyle.

Go back and read Ep 5 - you have it right, but with a worldy eye you see Christ as a smoker & gambler.

We are not condemned to hell for winning a lottery and giving 10% to church.

and IMO, if the sin was committed after accepting Christ in the second baptism, a conscious effort was made to sin- the next question raised then, is that sin "unpardonable"?

A Church shouldnt deny tithings if they are given from the heart which I believe this man has proven through his tithing history.

and my point is a right heart wouldnt gamble - the primary point being - I see it as a sin whereas others dont -

76 posted on 12/27/2002 12:10:50 PM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Revelation 911
and IMO, if the sin was committed after accepting Christ in the second baptism, a conscious effort was made to sin- the next question raised then, is that sin "unpardonable"?

I respectfully disagree with you:

Gods grace is overflowing and cannot be contained. You are forgiven for every sin--past, present, and future. You will never be condemned by God or separated from Him if you have truely accepted him as your savior.(Rom. 8:1-2, 31-39)

77 posted on 12/27/2002 12:16:17 PM PST by smith288
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To: RnMomof7
I heard Matchett speaking of the Armstrong group the other day and wondered same -

Its a huge ethical question - On one hand do you deny the gift, citing the original source, or do you accept it, hoping to build the brother into a right relationship.

I know of instances in Free Methodism where both have occurred.

did you have a good Christmas?....still digging out ?

78 posted on 12/27/2002 12:18:02 PM PST by Revelation 911
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To: smith288
how can you disagree when I only asked a question? LOL

are there any unpardonable sins?

........and believe it or not - I AGREE with you LOL - I am an ex drinker, smoker, gambler, potty mouth, biker - Jesus atoned for all of them - that doesnt give me free reign to continue in sin (abusing alcohol or gambling)- Quite the contrary - we should desire sinless perfection (personal holiness - entire sanctification)-

79 posted on 12/27/2002 12:24:42 PM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Revelation 911
how can you disagree when I only asked a question? LOL

Nice catch... the point I was making is no sin in unpardonable. If you have accepted Christ, your sins are washed. I never said free reign of sin is allowed and people who do this (sin freely using Christs salvation as cover) misunderstand the meaning of Christianity. I hardly find spending 10 dollars on a lotto ticket in the slight chance (or blessing) that you may win is rejecting Christ and all that he stands for.

Simple question... have you cussed, wagered, felt attracted to another person other than your spouse since finding Christ? These things are not purposely done. God doesnt sweep the urge to sin away and acting upon a sin doesnt constitute damnation. We are human and God knows we are natural sinners.

I cant honestly believe you if you say you have never sinned since your walk with Jesus has started. What constitutes as an "unpardonable" sin?

80 posted on 12/27/2002 12:42:10 PM PST by smith288
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