I have been trying very hard to NOT become just another bat swinging reactionary. At some point, however, if the civil authorities refuse to arrest traitors... Mark, stop that, there you go again! It's really tough when almost all local gov around here used to themselves be hippie protesters spitting on GIs! Maybe I had better expedite my move to Nevada before I give in to my inner most impulses... just kidding!.... another warning! stop that Mark!
We've got some politically active types that wish it was 1972 instead of 2002, at least how they imagine '72 was (they seem to have forgotten that McGovern was sent packing rather decisively). I hope that another group gets active, we had some Vietnamese-American students protesting the display of the Communist flag of Vietnam in the flag pavillion of the student center. To them, it was the sign of an illegally established government that killed and tortured their ancestors. Hopefully, I can rally a few of them to pro-US protests, if necessary!