They don't have that many warheads that can go that far. Try 30.
Yes, the US would destroy China, but the price would cripple America for several decades at the least.
Nope, it would wipe out the cities that make the western US vote Democrat in national elections.
The whole of the West Coast would be erredicated.
We'd lose the biggest Democrat voting blocs west of the Rockies, and that's it. Not "the whole of the west coast." They don't have enough firepower to do that.
Rather costly to defend S. Korea/Taiwan...say some 100 million American lives...and knowing that, that is why China is not afraid.
100 megadeaths? Stavka2, the biggest Russian countervalue laydown would've killed maybe 80 million back in the good ol' days of the Cold War. China ain't even close to that amount of firepower.
You've been reading too much bad post-tribulation Rapture fiction.
Look what two passenger jets fully loaded with fuel did on 9/11.
Imagine 2 or 3 ICBMs strategically hitting their (large populated) targets.
If 9/11 proved anything, it is that in order to deal major pshchological and economical havoc on the U.S. doesn't take as much as we may have once thought.