The answer is that it cannot be done. Reason is quite simple - evolution is based on materialistic beliefs, on randomness and lack of causation. Now DNA disproves materialism completely because in order for it to work, you need symbolism which is a totally non-materialistic concept. You need the symbol of reading DNA by threes in order to code for amino acids. You need to translate these codes into particular amino acids (there is no 'reason' for this code other than that is the way RNA reads the code and translates it into amino acids.) There is also more symbolism in DNA than this since 95 of DNA is not in genes so it must have other meanings such as specifying location (numeric symbols) and no doubt instructions similar to those in computer programs (jump, copy, return, etc.) None of this is possible without symbols and therefore the materilistic base of evolution is false, there must have been a designer to set up this symbolism and there can be no doubt that the designer also has affected the creation of new species.
While not material to the core of your thesis your misuse of the word "affected" detracts from the overall argument since the obvious word should be "effected."