Brevity son..When one carries on such as your last, it tends to dilute your message. Condense it to a few lines and I will read. Read up on your history PJ.
I'll tell you what, cynicom. I CHALLENGE you to take a History Quiz contest against me right here on the FR. Christmas Day would be a good time for me. What we can do is have other Freepers post American history quiz questions to us in REAL TIME. The winner of each quiz question is the FIRST one to post the correct answer (to prevent the possiblity of spending time to look up the answers on the Web). Then all of the winning answers posted by you and me are tallied up to determine the final winner.
So that is my challenge, Cynicom. I was planning to get drunk as hell on Scotch on Christmas Day and I may still do so since PJ drunk will still beat cynicom sober. So are you going to continue to talk the talk or will you walk the walk?