What you're citing is an article by a bunch of candy-assed health care professionals with zero experience dealing with either smallpox or smallpox vaccines. They can't give a better reason for not being innoculated other than that they didn't feel like it. They don't feel the need (Never mind the emergency procurement of 300,000,000 doses of the vaccine). Fine and dandy. No one's forcing them, or you, to get a vaccination.
But what's the possible reason for not making the vaccine available to anyone who is willing to take it? Even if you don't get the shot, your chances of survivng an outbreak increase because of herd immunity.
As evidence as to just how stupid and pampered our nation now is, your article states that the vaccine isn't recommended for children under 18. What nonsense. I was vaccinated as a toddler and so were hundreds of millions of others. While the side effects of a smallpox vaccine are more severe than for other immunizations, serious complications are rare.
BTW, I notice that you flagged the banned tinfoiler, FormerLurker. Please be aware that there isn't a shred of support in your article for any of his anti-immunization lunacy.