It isn't a new idea. Doctors back in the 1800's vigorously disputed the value of vaccinations. It was more of a political decision to promote the idea that vaccinations were worthwhile. Today's doctors simply believe that the information they are given is valid without question, even though the original source of the information is dubious, as those historical details are rarely if ever mentioned.
People die by the thousands around the world from the Flu virus.
The thimerosal in it doesn't help things any..
However, this may be the difference between life and death in the event of an actual outbreak of smallpox in America. So, be darn sure of your facts before you encourage people to not be vaccinated.
I present factual evidence and historical facts as I find them. I am not trying to provide either medical or legal advice, I'm simply providing facts so that people can make informed decisions..
As I am finding that the evidence significantly differs from widely held beliefs regarding the subject of vaccinations, I have to ask myself why is it that none of this has been mentioned by any news media up to now. I can only think that a significant effort to conceal and igtnore this information has occurred over the years, and that those responsible did NOT have the public's best interest in mind...
Is it simply magical thinking? Why is it that those investigating smallpox never bothered themselves with the facts concerning the history of the vaccine and that of its inventor, Edward Jenner?
Do your sources have any bias for their own special "extra-medical" cures?
It is apparently difficult to find many details concerning the detailed history of the smallpox vaccine on any mainstream medical websites, so it is mostly "alternative medicine" sites that have any information on this. However, not ALL of those sites are such, and some are simply dedicated to shedding light on the issue.
For instance, we have author Ian Sinclair's website;
There is, that HAS been recommended by doctors for its educational value on vaccinations;
Hosted on that site is a report prepared by Raymond Obomsawin, PhD, for the Canadian government in relation to the legitimacy, safety and effectiveness of the current international effort to administer artificial immunization to the children of the world..
Question: If, by some form of magic, I was able to post every single article written by the medical profession on the subject of vaccination since the 1770's, would anyone honestly read it?
Would this website be able to handle that volume of information?
Yes, I am feeling very frustrated. How can I compress 200 years of research, literally millions of research words, into some "talking points" to refute someone's view of modern medicine?
Please do not get a vaccination. My family will not be harmed by your choice in any way, because we will be protected. How you treat your own body must be your own personal choice.