And who is that??? It certainly is not any of the sheep that are happy to dump Lott just because he was attacked by the Dems. The GOP are weaklings. The Dems will stand up for one of their own, no matter how vile, but the GOP will attack theirs on the weakest provocation from the enemy party.
I'm looking for someone willing to face down the Dems. And that's not easy to find these days.
And who is that??? It certainly is not any of the sheep that are happy to dump Lott just because he was attacked by the Dems.
Lott should not be dumped because he got attacked by the Dems. He should be dumped because exposed his belly and peed on himself in submission to the Dems on BET.
So who is the dog that is not afraid of the pheasants? In the opinion of the National Review, it is Seanator Don Nickles.
"Don Nickles's voting record, which the NAACP condemns as too similar to Lott's, should really recommend him. In contrast to Lott, he is able and willing to defend it. The sooner conservatives can defend principled votes at odds with the NAACP's agenda without Trent Lott's self-imposed baggage, the better. "