Great, j.
Looking forward to a review.
"Oh, I probably shouldn't mention this, but on the way up to D.C. we stopped by Terry Mac's place to implement Mud's caper."
Well I can see -- obviously -- y'all aren't in the hoosgow, anyway.
"The plan hit a snag though when the McAuliffe's pet cat wondered onto the scene & Mud unwittingly stepped on it's tail."
The clod.
Now you can better understand why I was looking to the sky light for the *grand* entrance of the, "Virginny Ham," huh?
"The beast let out a very loud screeeech..."
Yea, well the thing's still alive, eh?
'Rats killing cats might sound like the classic, "man bites dog" story, and yet?
We know better, right? :o)
"...which in turn caused Mud to rapidly flee to his Mudmobile & burn rubber down the road."
Awwwww c'mon j!
Aren'tcha asking a lot of us to believe that?
Mud drives a Ford, for chrissakes.
Burning oil?
Yea, sure.
Why I'd be surprised if the thing even made it outa his driveway -- nevermind burning rubber.
Now go ahead & admit it; you drove, didn'tcha?
"I think he must've drove over a mile before he realized he had left me behind."
Fleeing the scene, huh?
...& in your car, too. ;^)
And then the cat meowed really loud...'twas purty ugly there fer a spell...MUD
Always one step ahead of the law...MUD