When I see stories like this, I'm thankful to be living in Arizona. Last night I went to my daughter's CHRISTMAS Holiday Concert at her PUBLIC high school. The orchestra, band and choirs did these songs and they were absolutely WONDERFUL:
Silent Night
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring
Joy to the World
A tear-inducing acapella song called "Song of Mary"
The First Noel
One Jewish song and secular favorites: Sleigh Ride, Jingle Bells, Deck the Halls, others
Grand Finale:
The Halleujah Chorus from The Messiah. The orchestra, band the main chorus plus alumni singers from the chorus were packed on the stage--there had to be 200+ kids singing and playing their hearts out. All the parents stood during the finale (traditional show of respect), and a lot of us had tears in our eyes.
Take THAT, ACLU!!!!
You're fortunate to live in Arizona. Here in California, we might as well rename our state "Mordor," because there is nothing but darkness.
Whuh-Oh! You mean somewhere someone has not gotten the message the Christmas is now just another holiday?
Next thing they'll do is try to ban Frosy, Rudolph, Santa Clause Is Coming To Town, Grinch, Charlie Brown, It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street......how pathetic is that....