If gays want to sell the concept that you cannot change your orientation, then I think extra time and caution deciding to label oneself as "gay" is in order. ESPECIALLY when you are talking about kids who are pre age-of-consent.
I also bet that most kids being teased for being gay are not gay at all. You don't help a boy who is being called a "fag" in school by telling the kids "don't make fun of gays." That hurts the boy more. The kids can just switch to calling him a "girly boy" and then we'll have to say "don't make fun of girls." The real issue, I think, is DON'T MAKE FUN OF ANYONE. The fact that it gets manipulated into being all about gays exposes its politcal roots. I'm all for kids being nice to each other. But how we get from that to teaching the gay lifestyle is beyond me.