In my experience the dependability of someone's position is in inverse proportion to how often they express their opinion in capital letters.
In short, kooks love caps.
The Poverty Pimping Negroes have to "re-establish" their "victim" status...this has EVERYTHING to do with "shaking up" the DemonCrats and getting the natives restless.
The poverty pimping Negroes are being LED by "Shake Down Artists" (Jackson and Cochran lawyer for reparations) and the "Black Congressional Caucus" (<--speaking of distasteful segregation take a look at THAT bunch - what a joke)
The whole Lott issue only lasted 10 minutes...the EVENTS and lip flapping that has been in the media since the 11th minute has EVERYTHING to do to with REPARATIONS and "NEUTERING" the conservatives and Republicans...they have taken our ARGUMENT away thanks to "Dunder Head Dolt Boy - Lott"!