Wha? Being politically correct has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the need to dump Lott.
Lott is exactly like his predecessor, the late Sen. Bob Dole, who - while being comatose - effectively killed the Contract with America, did absolutley nothing with majority control of the Senate and ran the worst presidential campaign of the 20th century.
Lott screwed up the Clinton impeachment.
Lott gave Daschle equal power despite holding the majority (50 plus VP Cheney).
Lott pushed Jeffords out the door, lost the majority and let Tom "Puff" Dasshole push him around for 18 months.
This race thing bothers some GOP African-Americans like this author. It doesn't really faze me. I don't think Lott is a racist. Maybe he is.
But if he's not a racist, then Lott's comments reveal him to be dumber and clumsier than most Republicans thought already.
Since we already know he is weak and ineffectual, adding dumb and clumsy to the list doesn't make him any more attractive as the leader of my party in the Senate.
Sinkspur asked why the GOP Senate members would keep Lott as leader. The answer is a weak, ineffectual, dumb and clumsy leader maximizes their individual power and influence.
HEY! HO! Lott's Gotta Go!!!