- Art Imitates Life Imagined: West Winging It
- by Mia T, 11-16-02
It is unclear precisely when Hollywood liberals began to believe their own material--Streisand repetitiveness, selfsameness, and ubiquity confound the issue--but by November 5, 2002, certainly, the transfer of all this nonsense to celluloid was complete.
In San Francisco during the month preceding the Democrat debacle, party operatives were busy mixing metaphors and switching hitters as they hedged their bets: Robocalls to erstwhile and presumptive liberals made by the impeached utter failure ex-president were quickly mitigated by those of Martin Sheen, clinton's competent counterpart cleanup man... just in case... What is surprising here is not the swapping of Sheen for clinton- both are play-act presidents, after all. It is, rather, that the Democrats believed it was necessary to hedge their bets in the most liberal city in the country. No other single act, it seems, foreshadowed more ominously the Democrat Debacle of '02. |