Sweetliberty: "What I don't get is why there is ANYBODY in this country, and especially the president, who thinks this is okay."
It appears none of us like to position ourselves against President Bush, who in most all respects, is doing a great job, especially given the difficult economy he inherited, then, shortly after started to get going, got attacked, because of the WTC, and all the efforts now to fight these evil people. He's been a great leader. However, on this issue, I think he's dead wrong. And I don't get it, either, about why HE DOESN'T GET IT! (and all the others that don't care or think the holes in our borders are "no big deal"). I hope O'Reilly continues harping on our borders.....maybe someone will finally listen. Between O'Reilly and the militia....maybe they'll get these people to pull their heads out of wherever they are (no disrespect intended toward our President, of course).