To: All; daisyscarlett; JohnHuang2; Billie; dansangel
Daisy and John, thanks for the post today. Two thumbs up on your two cents - always makes for interesting reading.
Wishing everyone a pleasant evening. It's dinner time here, so I have to run.
HUGS all around!
To: Mama_Bear; dansangel; Billie; daisyscarlett; ST.LOUIE1; Pippin; LadyX; lodwick; Aquamarine; ...
Been such a crazy day, weather-wise...can't help worry about our Hostesses, but I can see by the recent posts that you are all well.
Love those cats in the carriage, Louie.
Thanks to all Freepers for the good cheer this blustery day!
151 posted on
12/05/2002 5:42:24 PM PST by
To: Mama_Bear; dansangel; daisyscarlett; JohnHuang2
'Lo, Sistahs! I see neither of you made it here very early either - no wonder jw was worried - daisy posted the thread early, left, I didn't get here until after lunch, and I don't think either of you got here until mid/late afternoon! And WHERE'S John?! We need him to build a fire or something! :)
186 posted on
12/05/2002 6:31:57 PM PST by
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