The problem, of course, is that the Democrats did get their message out--loud and clear.
Just when you think these fools couldn't possibly get more deluded...they surprise you again!
Just stick your heads back down in the sand. That's a good place for you.
They still think the problem is that the Democrats didn't get their message out.
The problem, of course, is that the Democrats did get their message out--loud and clear.
Not only that, but what REALLY annoys them is that it is these "conservative" sources that ultimately got out their real message. Every little kooky thing these socialists say has been put out for millions to hear. They absolutely hate it. They want conservative sources shut down so that they can continue to spread their extreme message to their constituencies while having it whitewashed for the rest of Americans on the nightly news. They absolutely abhor the light of public scrutiny, and that is what is causing their downfall.