Yeah, let's dispel that phobia, hahahaha. This is coming for sure, it will be forced on everyone, like illegal immigration. After everyone is chipped, it becomes a simple matter for a dictator to demand a show of your devotion to him by taking his mark and if you don't, your chip is turned off, you can't even buy gasoline, pay your property taxes, you lose it all, all except the most important thing.
I can already tell you what one of the selling points will be, you can't vote in an American election if your an illegal, because the proper ok to vote won't be on their chip. It will be seen as a good thing to Republicans for sure, it will be a lame answer to sovereignty, and leave the illusion of citizenship remaining.
The thing is, you don't know how long after your chipped that this dictator is going to show up, five years twenty? This really needs to be fought hard here in America.
They are already working on a schema for voting machines to use them to identify people. Will have to dig up my articles on that when I am not at work (most my bookmarks are at home).